Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Response to "Not: A Role Model"

(In order to fully appreciate the material posted below please refer to the following blog post before you continue: http://thelopezisnot.blogspot.com/2011/03/role-model.html )

We come to knowledge through imitation- for as Plato tells us, mimcry is our highest pleasure. It is how we learn to walk, talk, ride a bicycle, paint a masterpiece, theorize Quantum Mechanics, and all sorts of things. But most importantly, mimcry is how we learn social behavior, and how to intereact with the world around us. Children, being the most innocent and impressionable members of society, are cause for parents to worry. What kind of people will their children become? We are all called to be role models of good social behavior and contribution for others, especially children, and to teaches them to live up to a higher standard of moral life and social wellness. It is this nature of Role Model that Mr. Lopez calls into question.

Mr. Tiger is an excellent Role Model, but is Mr. Lopez?

Mr. Lopez's second blog calls to question the sort of example he sets for others, particularly youthful persons. Impressionable children...

To Mr. Lopez's "Things I Am Not: A Role Model"...



Scared Baby!

Should the day come where I find myself blessed with wee ones (...children. not leprechauns.) I will be sure that they are fully equipped to face Mr. Lopez without potential harm. Ladies and Gentlemen, I highly suggest you do the same.

Mr. Lopez, we tell our parents all about you, they just don’t believe us.

Short post, yes, but here’s something awesome that’ll make up for the time you wanted to waste by reading this.

They don't make TV like they used to.

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